On Air

Chad 7:00pm - Midnight Listen Live

    Savannah & Lonnie Marcum, their Lyme Disease Story

    I had the pleasure of meeting Savannah Marcum and her mom Lonnie Marcum this past October at a fundraiser for the Alex Hudson Foundation, which began in memory of my friend Jody Hudson's daughter Alex Hudson. Alex passed away as a result of Lyme Disease and other co-infections caused by the disease. Savannah met Alex and they became friends. Both suffered from some of the same co-infections of Lyme, so they had a lot in common. Savannah and her mom Lonnie were the guest speakers at the event and I was MC'ing. I was blown away by Savannah's story and the pain and loneliness of her journey. Also equally impressed by her fierce mama bear mom Lonnie who dove into research to save her daughter. Listen to our conversation below and here is additional info about Lyme Disease. For info about the disease and how to prevent it, go to https://www.lymedisease.org/



    Check your symptoms here

    Here's information that Savannah has posted about how she has healed herself from Lyme Disease and Mast Cell Activation (Click here) 

    For Savannah's blog spot, click here

    For Lonnie's Lyme Disease Blog, click here

    Our Interview


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