On Air

KJUGFM Midnight - 5:00am Listen Live

    Heat Heat Illness Prevention - Darrin Stephens, an Associate Safety Engineer for Cal/OSHA

    Today we had the opportunity to talk to Darrin Stephens, an Associate Safety Engineer for Cal/OSHA. He is representing Cal/OSHA’s Consultation Services, a program which helps employers make sure they are complying with Cal/OSHA health and safety regulations. The state has specific regulations on heat illness prevention. On their site you can obtain a free consultation, Get important Cal/OSHA updates and more. Or call to speak to someone from Darrin’s office. It’s a free service.

    Click here for more info click here

    Cal/OSHA Consultation / Fresno Area Office


    You can call 1-877-992-2567 or 1-877-99-CALOR- Calor means “heat” in Spanish.

    Here’s our conversation which airs on all Momentum Broadcast stations



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